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                  will use this type when interacting with a database type。 

               o  Partial methods and classes are useful in the context of autogenerated source code。 They  

                  make it easier to split apart the functionality that is autogenerated and store it in one file;  

                  while the hand…coded part is stored in another file。 They can also be used in place of  

                  conditional pilation constants。 

…………………………………………………………Page 453……………………………………………………………

                                 CH AP T E R   1 6   ■    L E A R N I N G   A B OU T   O TH E R   V IS U AL   B A SI C  T E C HN IQ U E S 431 

Some Things for You to Do 

The following two exercises are the final ones this book。 

     1。  Build a two…dimensional matrix class that supports the + and  operators。  

     2。  Write a question to the author asking him to solve two problems that you have encoun

         tered。 Send the e…mail to christianhgross@gmail。。 

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■Special Characters                                     AddNumbers() method; 428 

# (hash character); 149                                 AddRoomGrouping() method; 214 

_ (underscore) character; 11                            AddRoomToGrouping() method; 219 

|| (OR) operator; 109                                   AddValue() method; 278 

                                                        ADO (ActiveX Data Object); 375 


                                                        ADO; accessing relational databases  

a 《 b expression; 108 

                                                                 using; 382–386 

a  b expression; 108                                      deleting data from; 386 

a 》= b expression; 109                                     selecting data from tables; 385 

!a expression; 109                                      AI (artificial intelligence) system; 77 

a variable; 418 

                                                        algorithm; 77 

Abort() method; 347 

                                                        allo test; 63; 64 

abstracting instantiations with factories;              alloappend test; 64 


                                                        Alpha; 334 

abstraction; 376 

                                                        altering data; 408–409 

accessing relational databases; 375; 382–386            American Standard Code for Information  

AcquireReaderLock() method; 359                                  Interchange (ASCII); 68 

AcquireWriterLock() method; 359                         _amount data member; 179 

action method; 120 

                                                        And operator; 109 

ActiveCurrencyTrader class; 147; 152–155                AndAlso operator; 109 

   adding constructor to; 152–153                       anonymous types; selecting with; 409 

   adding conversion methods to; 154–155                Another instance; 232 

   defining informational read…only                     API (application programming interface); 59 

         properties; 153–154 

                                                        Append() method; 281 

ActiveCurrencyTrader() method; 159 

                                                        application development。  

ActiveX Data Object (ADO); 375                                   See development; software 

Add() method; 33–40; 43; 47; 231 

                                                        application mode; 117 

   writing; 33–35                                       application programming interface (API); 59 

   writing code to test; 35                             appSettings folder; 321 

      adding test projects; 36                          AppSettings property; 322 

      testing addition of two large                      section; 321–322; 330; 339 

         numbers; 38 

                                                        Architectural code; 138 

      testing simple addition; 37–38 

                                                        AreYouPreHeated() method; 144 

 identifier; 321 

                                                        ArgumentException() method; 120 

addition operator; 417 


…………………………………………………………Page 456……………………………………………………………

434       ■IN D E X 

          ArgumentException type; 128                              base classes; 135; 138–139; 151–152; 165;  

          ArgumentNullException type; 128                                   174–178 

          ArgumentOutOfRangeException type; 128                       abstracting instantiations with factories;  

          arithmetic operators                                              177–178 

             addition; 417                                            overriding for specialized  

             bitwise; 419                                                   functionality; 176 

          ArithmeticException type; 128                            base functionality; 182–188 

          ArrayList class; 230                                     base。CalculateTaxToPay() method; 176 

          ArrayList instance; 231                                  BaseGenerated class; 428 

          arrays; 204–205                                          BaseLinked class; 206 

          artificial intelligence (AI) system; 77                  BaseLinkedListItem class; 207–208 

          ASCII (American Standard Code for                        Base。Method() method; 193 

                   Information Interchange); 68                    BaseTaxEngine class; 182 

          assemblies                                               BaseTaxEngine interface; 177 

             dynamic loading of; 322–331                           BaseTaxEngine。CalculateTaxToPay()  

                dynamically instantiating types;                            method; 176 

                   322–326                                         BaseType parameter; 301 

                enhancing configuration files; 326–331             BaseType references; 294 

             dynamic loading of strongly named;                    BeginRead() method; 367 

                   331–336                                         Behavioral functional; 174 

                relocating to GAC; 333                             binary streams; 270; 284 

                using version numbers; 333–336                     Binary2Text application; 249 

             signing; 317–318                                      Binary2Text。exe mand; 270 

             versioning; 335–336                                   BinaryFormatter class; 276 

          assembly variable; 324                                   bindingRedirect child element; 336 

          assemblyBinding configuration file; 336                  bit; 44 

          AssemblyFileVersion attribute; 335                       bitwise operators; 419 

          assemblyIdentity child element; 336                      black box context; 285 

          AssemblyInfo。vb file; 335                                bool properties; 203 

          Assembly。Load() method; 332                              Bootstrap class; 284 

          AssemblyVersion attribute; 335                           bootstrap code; 253 

          AssignCellState() method; 305–307                        BreadthFirstSearch class; 99 

          assignment operator; 417                                 brute force; 80 

          AssumeReferenceType interface; 426                       buffer parameter; 132 

          asynchronous techniques; 367                             buffer。Trim property; 61 

          AsyncState data member; 368                              Build tab; 318 

          AsyncWaitHandle。WaitOne() method; 368                    Button control; 8 

          attributes; 274                                          Button1_Click function; 10 

          Attributes data member; 418                              ByRef keyword; 86 

          availableTypes dictionary collection; 330                byte; 44 

                                                                   Byte type; 44 

          ■B                                                       ByVal keyword; 86 

          backToDerived variable; 195 

          backward…patibility; 399                              ■C 

          Base; Base。Method() method; 189                          Calculate() method; 311 

                                                                   CalculateArea() method; 168 

…………………………………………………………Page 457……………………………………………………………

                                                                                                    ■I N D E X     435 

_calculatedTaxable data member; 176                         defining references; 15 

CalculateTaxToPay() method; 175                             moving functionality; 15 

calculator application                                      variables; 17–19 

   Add() method; 33–35                                   classes 

   development of; 26–30                                    declaring; 81 

   finishing; 47                                            defining Node elements by switching  

   numbers; puter understanding                                to; 94 

         of; 40–41                                       ClassLibrary。Class1。HelloWorld() method; 16 

Calculator class library; 30–41                          Clear() method; 298 

Call Stack pane; 117                                     CLI (mon Language Infrastructure); 42 

CallingExample instance; 129                             cloning; synchronizing between threads  

CallRuntimeImplementation class                                   with; 354–355 

         library; 316                                    closing database connections; 382 

CallRuntimeImplementation project; 317                   CLR (mon language runtime); 20 

CallRuntimeImplementation。exe。config                     CLR numeric types; 43–45 

         configuration file; 319                         cls variable; 167 

Canadian taxes; 182                                      cls。GetDepth() method; 129 

CanContinue() method; 110                                cls。Method() method; 167 

CanContinueSearch() method; 108; 110                     cmd type; 12 

catch block; 120–125; 127; 133                           cmd。Connection property; 383 

Catch keyword; 120                                       ColCells data member; 302 

catch statement; 126                                     collections; 229 

catching exceptions; 118–120                                collection types; 245 

cb variable; 241                                            storing using linked lists; 204–206 

CellState data member; 302                               ments; adding to Windows application  

CEO (chief executive officer); 116                                project; 11 

character mapping; 67–68                                 mon Intermediate Language (CIL); 19 

character…by…character parison; 59–60                 mon Language Infrastructure (CLI); 42 

chief executive officer (CEO); 116                       mon language runtime (CLR); 20 

CIL (mon Intermediate Language); 19                   mon Type System (CTS); 21 

City name attribute; 88                                  pare() method; 59 

class hierarchies; 163                                   pare(String; String) method; 59 

   inheritance; 188–193                                  pareTo() method; 54; 55; 59–60; 62 

   tax concepts; 163–164                                 piler; 19 

   tax engine application; 173–182                       plexType immutable type; 421 

      base classes; 174–178                              ponent…oriented architecture; 197–228 

      base functionality; 182–188                           kernels; 197–198 

      base tax account; 180–182                             lighting application 

Class keyword; 89; 150                                         building kernels; 199–222 

class libraries; 30–41                                         defining rooms; 222–224 

   Add() method; 33–35                                         organizing; 198–199 

   numbers; puter understanding of;                         PrivateRoom implementations; 224–225 

         40–41                                           ponents; 29; 48; 171–173; 195 

class library project; 14–19                             conditional statements; 148–150 

   adding to solutions; 14                               。config; 340 

   calling functionality; 16–17                          。config extension; 319 

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436       ■IN D E X 

           element; 327; 330                      Container class; 286 

          configuration architecture; decoupling                  Contains() method; 267 

                   using; 315                                     convention…based architecture 

          configuration files; 319–322                               decoupling using; 315–316 

             adding assembly redirection to; 336                     implementing; 339 

             adding dynamic loading items; 321                    convention…based architecture; shared  

             enhancing; 326–331                                            typed; 337–338 

                marshaling data; 327–330                          conversion methods; 152 

                reading; 330                                         adding to ActiveCurrencyTrader class;  

             reading; 321–322                                              154–155 

             XML…based; 319–320                                      adding to HotelCurrencyTrader class;  

          configuration identifier; 320                                    156–157 

          :configuration: string identifier; 299                  Convert() method; 138 

          ConfigurationException failure; 133                     ConvertFrom() method; 154; 156–157;  

          ConfigurationInfo class; 322; 324                                159–161 

          ConfigurationLoader class; 322–325; 325                 ConvertTo() method; 154; 156–7; 159–61 

          ConfigurationLoader。Instance shared                     ConvertToTextField() method; 160 

                   property; 32
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